Making batik bags with two motifs
Hello, My name is Choirun Nisa '. Today I will teach my mother and aunt to make batik bags with two motifs. I taught them because they had never made batik bags. My main goal is to increase the creativity of housewives, Batik is a unique Indonesian style so there are many devotees. if it is sold, it can increase the economic value in society, especially for housewives who do not have outside jobs.
The tools and materials needed are two batik cloths with different motifs, glass water caps, hard cloth, sewing tools, scissors, rulers, pins, glue.
The manufacturing process is to prepare the tools and materials and shape the desired size, after that glue the batik cloth on the hard cloth until it sticks, then sew all the parts together and form a bag then glue the visible sides, and the bag can be used.
This bag made is very useful for my mother to carry around, hopefully with the teachings it can match what I hope, namely adding to the selling value for housewives as a home industry.
Nama : Choirun Nisa'
Kelas : XII MIPA 7
Absen : 08